For the production of "good subject" it is possible to use almost all the available materials. We will talk about the most simple and available as, how to make the precious artifact alone. Cash amulet, made his own, able to attract into your life the good fortune, although not too believe in its effectiveness. But remember – it must be kept in secret, away from prying eyes!
The bag of cash

Very strong with the amulet on money can become your very own portfolio. No, this does not mean that you have to sew a bag with their own hands. Just put in the order, and at the same time put in the portfolio some of the objects, attracting good luck:
- Four-leaf clover (irish shamrock) or a sprig of cinnamon;
- Three chinese feng shui coin, tied with a red ribbon;
- Color paper box red (this color symbolizes the financial well-being);
- A dollar bill on it are depicted the symbols of masonic power, and abundance;
- The image or photo of things, in which you collect the money.
Not necessarily included in the portfolio all of these talismans of luck. You just have to choose one or a couple of amulets, that is more like it. And still - do not allow bag packed all types of checks, business cards and other advertising junk. The money the district is clearly not like it!
The plant-mascot-for the money
The easiest way to "feed" the luck – plant a houseplant with your own hands. Take a couple of coins of various denominations, from a penny up to ten rubles. The money put in a pot with the earth, then planting a plant. Take care of the flower, because of his condition will depend on the growth of material well-being.
This is important! As "happy" plants you can't use cactus, because it has the ability to absorb the positive energy. It is better to plant jade, which is otherwise called the "tree of money".
For the manufacture of amulets, good luck charms and money with your own hands, you can use a regular deck of cards, which before they were not playing. Should take Jack to the top ten and lubricate the surface of this sheet of essential oil of basil, bergamot. During the execution of the procedure, you need the most light possible to present the desired. How to win the lottery, buy a car or a cash prize.
If you want to learn how to make a mascot for the money, then try to cook "happy bag". In a small bag of cotton cloth need to put three coins of any dignity, and even a couple of petals of daisies and roses. Linked amulet green wire or yellow in color. If you always wear the object in itself, he will help you to make a good career.
Follow the turbulence in the financial or health problems? It is possible that this is the consequence of damage to or other negative magic. To protect yourself will help you amulet from envy and the evil eye, which can be purchased in a specialty store or make it yourself.
Signs associated with the money
Even the most beautiful mascot in it for the money will not work correctly, if you are going to ignore these recommendations:
- You can put in your bag or banknotes on the table, for which the family is eating lunch;
- Bag in no case must remain empty;
- When you make a purchase in a store, money has to stretch the right hand, and the rest to take to the left;
- It is not possible to count the banknotes after the sunset;
- Of night do not give the loan;
- Do not store finance under the mattress;
- Do not occupy close to salt if it is dark, otherwise with your own hands gives you the luck and the health.
Not to disclose to anyone outside of the royal family amount of his salary or income. If in case of need, it is better to reduce the number, to avoid tying up your cash flow.
Happy charms different countries of the world

The ancient slavs were pragmatic people. They used as objects lucky figures related to fertility, harvest, abundance. This could be the image of ears of wheat, and of statuettes in the shape of a horse or an ox. In addition, it was thought that the figure of clay in the shape of the sun can bring good luck to the house.
Scarab good luck charm enjoyed honour in Ancient Egypt. Action figures in the form of this insect were placed on the chest of the dead person to the afterlife may you find happiness and wealth.
Indian amulets to attract material prosperity is semi-precious and gems of red color. In Ancient China, with a similar goal planted an orange tree. Among other things, according to the ideas of the chinese, the bowl with the oranges is a symbol of wealth. Necessarily, then, put on the table on the eve of the New year.
The inhabitants of the countries of Western Europe have used it as the mascot figures of dwarfs, gnomes. They believed that this will help you catch the attention of capricious Fortune. According to popular folklore, these mythical creatures that always carry with them the gold coins in tiny bowler hats or plastic bags.